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Studying in Canada | Learn about the Ontario Secondary School Diploma OSSD Graduation Requirements

Photo:Kelly Images

To complete high school in Ontario, Canada, we must first understand the requirements for high school graduation in Ontario, Canada. Let’s take a look at the requirements for obtaining the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Graduation Requirements

To earn the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), students must:

  • Complete 18 compulsory credits

  • Complete 12 optional credits

  • Pass the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School English Literacy Test (OSSLT)

  • Earn at least two online study credits

  • Complete at least 40 hours of community involvement activities

Photo:Robert Kneschke

Compulsory Credits

Students study in Canada who want to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) must complete the following 18 compulsory credits:





Grade 9-12



Grade 9-11/12



Grade 9-10


Canadian History

Grade 10


Canadian Geography

Grade 9



Any Grade 9-12


Health and Physical Education

Any Grade 9-12


French as a second language

Any Grade 9-12


Career Studies

Grade 10


Civics and Citizenship

Grade 10


Group 1 Courses

Any Grade 9-12


Group 2 Courses

Any Grade 9-12


Group 3 Courses

Any Grade 9-12


18.0 Credits In Total

Group 1, 2, 3 Compulsory Courses

Of the 18 compulsory credits, students must complete one of the following groups:

Group 1:

  • English (including the Ontario

  • Secondary School Literacy Course) or

  • French as a second language

  • Native languages

  • First Nations, Métis, and Inuit studies

  • Classical and international languages

  • Social sciences and the humanities

  • Canadian and world studies

  • Guidance and career education

  • Cooperative education

  • American Sign Language as a second language

  • Langue des signes québécoise langue seconde

Group 2:

  • Health and physical education

  • The arts

  • Business studies

  • French as a second language

  • Cooperative education

  • American Sign Language as a second language

  • Langue des signes québécoise langue seconde

Group 3:

  • Science (Grade 11 or 12)

  • Technological education

  • French as a second language

  • Computer studies

  • Cooperative education

  • American Sign Language as a second language

  • Langue des signes québécoise langue seconde

The following conditions apply to compulsory credit selections from the above three groups:

  • In groups 1, 2, and 3, a maximum of two credits in French as a second language can count as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or group 3.

    • Students who have taken Native languages in place of French as a second language in elementary school may use a Level 1 or 2 Native languages course to meet the compulsory credit requirement for French as a second language.

  • A maximum of two credits in cooperative education can count as compulsory credits, selected from any of the above three groups.

  • The Grade 11 English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis and Inuit Voices course may be used to meet the Grade 11 English compulsory credit requirement.

  • The Grade 9 Expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultures course may be used to meet the compulsory credit requirement in the arts.

The Langue des signes québécoise langue seconde course is only available in French-language schools.

Photo:gerenme@Getty Images Signatures

English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Literacy Development (ELD)

Students who are English language learners may count up to three credits in ESL or ELD towards the four compulsory credits in English. The fourth credit must be a Grade 12 compulsory English course.

5 levels in ELD, including ELDAO, ELDBO, ELDCO, ELDDO, ELDEO

5 levels in ESL, including ESLAO, ESLBO, ESLCO, ESLDO, ESLEO

Optional Credits

Students must earn 12 optional credits by successfully completing courses offered in their school’s program and course calendar.

12 optional credits can be chosen from 18 categories:

  1. The Arts

  2. Business Studies

  3. Canadian and World Studies

  4. Classical Studies and International Languages

  5. Computer Studies

  6. Cooperative Education

  7. English

  8. English as a Second Language and English Literacy Development

  9. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Studies (formerly Native Studies; under review)

  10. French as a Second Language

  11. Guidance and Career Education

  12. Health and Physical Education

  13. Interdisciplinary Studies

  14. Mathematics

  15. Native Languages

  16. Science

  17. Social Sciences and Humanities

  18. Technological Education

Optional credits may include up to four credits earned through approved dual credit programs.

Ontario Secondary School English Literacy Test (OSSLT)

All students must meet the secondary school literacy graduation requirement to earn their high school diploma.

For most students, this means passing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).

Students who do not successfully complete the OSSLT have other opportunities to meet the literacy graduation requirement. Students can contact Maple Study Link to find out about these options.


Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Beginning with students that entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year, students must earn at least two online learning credits to get their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

The online learning graduation requirement also applies to adult learners that will be entering the Ontario secondary school system starting in 2023-24 school year.

Credits earned during COVID-19

Students can count one secondary school credit that was earned during the province wide school closures (from April 2021 to June 2021) towards the two online learning credits that they need to graduate. This applies to all Grade 9 students who were learning remotely due to the province wide school closures.

Opting out

Parents who wish to opt out or exempt their child from the online graduation requirement must complete the opt-out form available from their child’s school board. Exemption from the online learning graduation requirements may be requested by:

  • the parent or guardian of the secondary student

  • students who are 18 years of age or older

  • students who are 16 or 17 years of age and have withdrawn from parental control


Community Involvement Hours

Students are studying in Canada should note that in order to meet the Ontario secondary school graduation requirements, they must complete at least 40 hours of community involvement activities.

The community involvement requirement is designed to provide students with the opportunity to develop awareness and understanding about civic responsibility. Students can actively participate in supporting and strengthening their communities. It also provides the opportunity for students to learn more about themselves and possible career opportunities.

Students can start accumulating their community involvement hours in the summer before entering Grade 9.

Students who are looking for community engagement opportunities can contact Maple Study Link academic consultants for assistance in finding and engaging with different community engagement opportunities.

Maple Study Link academic consultants can help students who plan to study in Canada estimate the maximum credits they can transfer, create a personalized study plan, and provide tracking services. To ensure that students can complete the Ontario secondary school courses in Canada on time, obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), and progress to the ideal institutes and career.


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